Treating negative feelings, weakness and joint pain
People in their 70’s get wrinkled skin, joint pains, back pains, and leg pains. This is often related to a lifetime of energy waste, usually during sex. This also leads to negative thinking which leads to sadness and depression. To counter these effects, Swamiji recommends the following mixtures:
For removing negative feelings:
1. A quarter teaspoon of ginger.
2. 2-3 drops of lime juice.
3. 1/4 teaspoon of jaggery.
All these should be mixed in warm water, and consumed together in the morning.
For reducing joint, pain and weakness, he advises this mixture:
1. 1 avocado leaf.
2. 1 guava leaf.
They should be cleaned and boiled in drinking water. The tea should be consumed in the morning.
Taking these mixtures, has no side effects and promotes good health and happiness.
Blessings to all
Swami Ponnurangam
April 23rd, 2023
Annapurneshwari Temple
KHM Block
Opposite RT Nagar Post Office
Mobile: 9880966039
For removing negative feelings:
1. A quarter teaspoon of ginger.
2. 2-3 drops of lime juice.
3. 1/4 teaspoon of jaggery.
All these should be mixed in warm water, and consumed together in the morning.
For reducing joint, pain and weakness, he advises this mixture:
1. 1 avocado leaf.
2. 1 guava leaf.
They should be cleaned and boiled in drinking water. The tea should be consumed in the morning.
Taking these mixtures, has no side effects and promotes good health and happiness.
Blessings to all
Swami Ponnurangam
April 23rd, 2023
Annapurneshwari Temple
KHM Block
Opposite RT Nagar Post Office
Mobile: 9880966039