The value of the Cave with 9 openings
The human body, the temple with nine doors is governed by one mysterious universal life force energy. The various openings in the body may serve different functions but each is important in its own right. Life cannot be enjoyed to the fullest without the proper functioning of each of the 9 openings in the body. One is the most important. It is not the mouth, ears, eyes or the openings through which we eliminate waste. It is the nostrils which bring in life sustaining breath, without which nothing matters.
In a democracy, there may be many voices that serve different agendas but like the breath, one is most important which is the voice of the leader. Just as we cannot live without breath, the life of democracy cannot be sustained unless there is one unifying voice. This must come from the leader whose words can unify or divide a country or indeed the world. Just as the sense of smell accompanies breath, emotions accompany our words. Just as we are attracted by sweet smells just as honey bees do, we are attracted to those whose emotions are pure and come from the heart. A leader must have a heart and that heart needs to be pure and open.
A noble leader is like a flower that gives out a heavenly smell. Just as a rare flower is carefully looked after, a once in a generation leader with an exemplary character should be well cared for by the people. A flower once crushed cannot be restored to its original form. But it continues to give out a pleasant smell even after its petals are torn to pieces. A person’s true character never changes even if they appeared reformed superficially, just as a white sea shell even when burnt will not blacken. So when a truly noble person comes into our lives, no matter how negative we may be, they will continue to maintain their noble disposition. When such a person is entrusted with the country’s life breath, the seat of power, we have nothing to fear.
Blessings to all Swami Ponnurangam