Where is heaven, and how to get there?
Humans are searching for heaven everywhere. Heaven is here at this moment in our families. When we wake up in the morning, we should think we are waking up in heaven. We must then offer thanks to our parents, teachers, Gurus, and then to God for giving us all that we have. We can continue to remain in heaven while working if we work honestly and sincerely. When we are being paid to work, we should be very careful and honest about how we use our time. During our personal time, we are free to use it in any manner and we may choose to relax and have a good time. But, no matter what we are doing, we should always be in a state of thankfulness for the food, clothing, shelter, and other comforts that we have.
We should stop unnecessary thinking, especially while driving. Think of the destination and enjoy the journey. Try not to cause inconvenience or harm to anyone during the journey. This applies not just to a road trip by car, but also to the journey of life. Using the mind we drive the body through the roads of life.
Money should be earned in a proper way and spent in a careful and responsible manner. Our money should not be used to harm others or lead them down the wrong path. We should not encourage anyone to pursue vices such as drinking, gambling, etc. Some people encourage and teach others how to commit fraudulent activities. This is a very grave mistake, the rebound will be not just on us but also our families and our children. Money earned in an improper manner will slip out of our hands in no time.
Following these principles may appear difficult at first, but with practice it becomes natural and easy. To mine gold, there is so much hard work and processes involved. But it is done and we enjoy jewelry made from gold. Similarly, if we work towards heaven here and now, the enjoyment will be ours forever. As a first step, we can set up a daily, weekly, and monthly timetable of activities, work, family time, leisure, etc. This will keep us busy in our own activities and the mind will not have a chance to stray and get involved in the activities of others. Heaven is here, God is here, and those who help us are like God. With a little effort, we can all realize this.
Blessings to all
Swami Ponnurangam
August 8, 2019
We should stop unnecessary thinking, especially while driving. Think of the destination and enjoy the journey. Try not to cause inconvenience or harm to anyone during the journey. This applies not just to a road trip by car, but also to the journey of life. Using the mind we drive the body through the roads of life.
Money should be earned in a proper way and spent in a careful and responsible manner. Our money should not be used to harm others or lead them down the wrong path. We should not encourage anyone to pursue vices such as drinking, gambling, etc. Some people encourage and teach others how to commit fraudulent activities. This is a very grave mistake, the rebound will be not just on us but also our families and our children. Money earned in an improper manner will slip out of our hands in no time.
Following these principles may appear difficult at first, but with practice it becomes natural and easy. To mine gold, there is so much hard work and processes involved. But it is done and we enjoy jewelry made from gold. Similarly, if we work towards heaven here and now, the enjoyment will be ours forever. As a first step, we can set up a daily, weekly, and monthly timetable of activities, work, family time, leisure, etc. This will keep us busy in our own activities and the mind will not have a chance to stray and get involved in the activities of others. Heaven is here, God is here, and those who help us are like God. With a little effort, we can all realize this.
Blessings to all
Swami Ponnurangam
August 8, 2019