Life Teachings by Poonambalam Guruji
Mother earth was formed and is sustained by the
sun. From the sun’s energy the five elements namely land, water, fire, wind and sky emanated. The mother earth is controlled by these five elements only.
Origins of life can be traced back to water. Plants were created. Fish and insects evolved. Birds appeared. Then animal life forms followed by primates such as monkeys and then finally man appeared.
Plants don’t have senses. Ants and flies have one
sense. Snakes and rats, have 2 senses. Birds have three senses. Dogs have four senses. Cows. elephants etc has five senses. Only man has six senses, the sixth
sense being intuitive power. This extra sense helps in thinking and analyzing what is good and bad. In the millions of species in creation, the most important
creation is the human being.
Man is also controlled by the same five elements
that created the universe.
Air is required for breathing, Heat is required by body, Body structure is equated to land. cannot exist without water. Sight is required to see. Man cannot live without the 5 elements. The human body consists of 72,000 nerves. Of the 72000 nerves, 10 nerves are very important.
Out of the 10 nerves, three are most vital and all are available at the knuckle. The three nerves are called as Pithanadi, Vathanadi and sleshanadi.
All saints, Rishis, Sages and Siddars made use of this vital knowledge and attained great heights through meditation. In olden days there was no technology that we have today to diagnose diseases. Practioners relied on checking the nadis and dispensed
medicines based on this.
The knowledge of the science of the nadis is vast. A Guru is required to obtain this knowledge.
There is link between the breath and nadis. The air that is inhaled and exhaled in
left nose is called as Edakali or Chandranadi. The air that is inhaled and exhaled out of the right nose is called Pinkalai or Suryanadi. Air that is inhaled and exhaled in both the noses is called as suzhimunai ior sushmanadi.
In ancient times, this knowledge was referred to as Kundalini. Famous saints like Sankaracharya, Appar, Thirumoolar etc. made use of this kundalini.
Kundam means fire and Ali means neither male or female.
In life, every human being has to face hardships and difficulty. Everybody has to experience happiness and sorrow. Some are rich, some are poor. Some attain fame, some become notorious.
All are created with five elements only. What we become is purely controlled by the ability of man to control his mind.
To control mind, proper method of inhaling and exhaling is of great importance.
Here is a suggested routine to control one’s mind.
Between 4 and 6 in the morning is an auspicious time referred to as Brahma Muhurtham. During this time, be seated preferably on a wooden plank or a woollen blanket and avoid direct contact with land because earth has got gravitational
pull and energy will get dissipated. By sitting on a woollen cloth/wooden plank,
energy is retained in the body.
Now take a deep breath through right nose and hold it for few seconds and exhale through left nose.
Similarly take a deep breath through left nose, hold for few seconds and exhale through right nose.
By doing this regularly at this particular auspicious time, mind comes to a calm state by regular practice.
Usually mind is wavering and many thoughts come and go and cause distraction. This exercise of exhaling and inhaling sitting in a posture such as padmasana is Yoga. Yoga is an exercise required to keep the body healthy both mentally and physically.
All nerves have to be exercised to keep the body and mind in healthy condition. For example, if you connect a bulb to a battery, stronger the current from the brighter the bulb. In a similar fashion, all the nerves have to be charged. Yoga charges all the body nerves which in turn ensures a healthy body.
If nerves are controlled through yoga, mind also gets controlled and single minded concentration is achieved. This is similar to blinders put on a horse. Extraneous impulses are avoided and the horse is forced to look only on the road ahead. Similary mind also has to be controlled to achieve concentration.
What we inhale is oxygen or Shakti. What we exhale is carbon dioxide or shiva.
Shakti means creation. Exhaled air is equal to waste. In the inhaled and exhaled air there are five elements namely earth, water, fire, air and space. The person who has mastered the art of controlling the five elements will get the ability to forecast the
When a person is attacked by a dangerous animal, he will run to save himself and his breathing will be very fast. The breathing can be felt as high a distance of 1 feet. This is called as Prithiv. When breathing is very normal like in meditation or any god prayer, the type of breathing is called Vayu. Prithiv type of breathing and vayu type of breathing will result in positive energy and good results can be expected.
Posture for following breathing exercise during
prayer or meditation is important. Sitting postures include padmasana,
vajrasanam, sukhasana or any other comfortable asana. While sitting, the thumb
and forefinger on each hand should touch forming a circle. This is called chin
mudra. This helps recirculate energy without letting it dissipate.
A rainbow is a spectrum of 7 beautiful colors. These colors are pleasing to look at. Similarly our body is also made up of 7 vital chakras which are designed to keep the body and mind healthy and active. The name of the seven vital chakras are as
For an automobile fuel and air is taken as intake and carbon monoxide gas come out as exhaust. Similarly for a human being air, food and water is taken as input and excreted matter comes as output. In a human body input and output is very important. More than input, output is very important. All sickness in human body is mainly due to malfunction of output.
The function of the seven chakras is to ensure highest level of concentration, energy, happiness ,positive thinking and good health.
Everybody has a goals and ambitions in life. Body is the basis. To achieve one’s goal, body must cooperate. Everything is possible in this world. Positive thinking, hardwork, peaceful mind, happiness will ensure goal is achieved. These are already available within every human being like his own shadow. Individual traits have to be tuned achieve the goal. If we look at our failures, the causes can be found within ourselves. By examining and changing ourselves, we can succeed in any endeavor. Like a tree emanating from a small seed, man can achieve greatest heights if only when positive thinking always is practiced. The seed of thought has to be positive.
To achieve positive thinking, there are 5 convienient methods.
1. We have to get up early in the morning and give instruction to mind
that only to think positively.
2. Drink a glass of warm water thinking that negative thoughts to be
washed away.
3. Please refer to website detailed
4. Stimulus to be given to mind through auto suggestion that only positive
thinking should be there.
5. Before going to sleep, auto suggestion to mind to think positive
Like effect of flowing water on rocks, positive thinking is also very powerful tool to moulds one’s life and achieve goal. Mind should be tuned to do hard work all the time. Good food and good air is important. When eating food, water should not be taken. If water is taken, food should not be taken. If air is exhaled in right nose, water with food can be taken If air is being exhaled in left nose, only food to be taken. If body has
the right food, body can withstand hard work.
When a healthy seed is put in fertile land, a healthy plant is born. Similarly earth is mother, sperm of a male is the seed. Sperm should not be wasted. Most of the diseases occurring in human body are due to wastage of sperm for purposes other than procreation. If a healthy child is to be born, the sperm quality and fertility of mother both are very important.
Energy is stored as sperm. If energy is wasted, man becomes weak. Sun is epicenter and all planets are moving around it. Similarly for the human body the place where urine is excreted is the epicenter for the entire body. The top half and bottom half of human body is dependent on this epicenter. If a human body has to be healthy, this epicenter should be given utmost care. Majority of all human beings all over the world are always thinking about this epicenter only.
There are three types of janmas: previous janma, present janma and punar janma or
The quality of each human being on each janma depends mainly on the following :
1. Food.
2. Environmement.
3. Friendship.
When food is taken, it combines with air and water, digestive juices are produced in the system. Constant rubbing of the digestive juices with air and water produces electromagnetic energy. This energy is stored in human body as sperm. If
a human being is to be happy and his thoughts are to be controlled, he has to divert his mind from , the thinking about this electromagnetic energy stored in form of sperm. That is if mind is involved other than sexual thoughts, mind will become more active and creative. Good and positive thoughts will then arise.
For example if a apple plant is to be grown a apple seed has to be planted. Similarly
good positive thoughts has to be planted to bear /form a good individual.
After getting up, it is preferable to take warm liquid. Ideally food should not contain extra salt, chilli and sourness and these are to avoided as far as possible. As a general rule, water should not be taken simultaneously with food as explained above. This is because if water and food are taken simultaneously, digestve juices generated becomes acidic creating problems with digestion.
Whenever taking food, a quarter of the stomach should be empty, half occupied by food and another quarter by water.
Every individual should always get up before sunrise. Morning air is rich with oxygen and is very healthy for life. Immediately after getting up walking/warm-up/exercises are required to ensure full energization of our nervous system. After warm up, mind has to be energized. For energizing the mind, individual has to practice meditation. Early to bed and early to rise method has to be followed for sleeping. Males should
wake up on the right side and females on the left. Getting up should be always
be very normal and easy irrespective of the situation. Getting up suddenly in
shock is not advisable.
When selecting a friend , you should be very careful. Friends should be of similar mental wavelength, forgiving nature and be broad-minded. Furthermore, they should should be flexible and adaptable, trustworthy and most importantly, be helpful in adverse circumstances.
Steps to achieve upliftment:
1. Five elements like air, water, fire, earth, atmosphere are always
giving by nature. They perform duty without expecting anything in return.
Whatever importance each element deserves it gets. Similarly bodily functions
like mind, heart, nose, ears eyes do their activity without any instructions. If
every human being concentrates single mindedly on his goal without expecting
anything, success will come automatically. Solar energy was not tapped until
recently. This energy is now available for use because of application of human
2. The main reasons human beings have not uplifted themselves are as
follows: Not listening to instructions, lack of analysis, blind belief, carelessness, negativity and doubts.
3. Before man was able to fly in airplanes, many attempts were made to fly, some tried to emulate birds. After several attempts and concentrated efforts with single minded determination, air travel was made possible. A small chisel can carve a great sculpture. This small website can help mold great personalities if these simple to understand suggestions are put to practice.
Steps to enjoy the fruits of upliftment:
1. Baby steps have to be taken. Prior to getting on a bus or a plane, one has to stand in a queue. Prior to standing in a queue, one has to mentally decide to do that. Once there, as the line moves forward, one is automatically pushed forward. It is upto man to make the decision to stand in the line. This means that man has to initiate the effort to achieving his goal. Standing in the queue is one type of enjoyment. reaching the desired destination is another type of enjoyment.
2. When a doctor prescribes a small tablet, such as an antibiotic pill, it cures many ailments. In order to effect this cure, man has to first take the tablet and ingest it. Similarly if man wants happiness, he has to intake happy, positive thoughts.
3. There is so much that man derives from the world. It is our duty to give
back to the world. Giving back or contributing is another form of enjoyment. In order
to fly a large airplane, small parts are very important. The part may be small,
but it is required for the proper functioning of the airplane. Similarly, a very
small contribution also can give great happiness.
How to enjoy life without sickness:
1. Food is very important. It is the universal fuel for both animals and humans. Animals hunt for food. Human being being work and earn money ti buy food.
2. While cooking food or eating food we should enjoy the activity and be grateful to god for providing food.
3. After partaking food, it is beneficial to eat fruit.
4. Food should be taken facing north-east direction. Sunrays come from east and north is auspicious . Food should be taken in limited quantities and full concentration should be on the food that is taken in and food has to be thoroughly relished and enjoyed.
5. After food have a small walk for 10 to 15 minutes.
6. Before going to sleep we should thank god for the day and every human being must
sleep for minimum 6 hours. Think about nature such as rivers,mountains etc and it is preferable to take a glass of hot water or milk before going to bed.
7. Before going to bed, ensure urinary bladder is empty.
8. The place where we sleep should have windows in east and west.
9. Adults should sleep in the north east direction. Head in north and legs facing east.
10. Youngsters should sleep in the east west direction. Haed should be in west, feet should be in east. This will help in induce positive thoughts and mankind will be
11. While waking up, thank god for giving life again to start the day .
12. While getting up mind should be in happy state. Have a small morning walk enjoying nature (park, lake, sea, beach etc.)
13. When humans practice life in this manner, everyone will also try and contribute like nature without expecting anything in return.
14. After the walk, come home and thank all family members for their support.
15. When you thank people, they will reciprocate thereby good feelings will be generated all around.
16. All ailments are mainly due to stress/tension. If you make your self happy, stress gets reduced. When you get stressed, there is direct effect on the nadis like pita nadi, vayu nadi and ushna nadi. There is a sudden rush of blood in all the nadis which creates rubbing action and because of sudden flow, blockages takes place and where ever blockages takes place, pain back pain, neck pain etc.
17. When ushna nadi gets affected, heart gets affected resulting in head ache, giddiness, blood pressure, tiredness, piles, constipation etc.
18. When pitha nadi gets affected, digestion gets affected , the person will not be active and sight will be dim
19. When vayu nadi get affected, indigestion, gastric problem, joint pain occurs.
20 . Stress may be caused by situations involving the home, office or friends. Office stress can be reduced by obeying instructions of your superiors, cooperating with your colleagues, motivating people under you, not criticizing in public, and offering appreciation in public. Stress related to friendships can be reduced by listening, not arguing, convincing in a pleasing manner, and above never hate, love everyone equally.
Man is god . Ahum brahmatsmi
If man is god, does man can have the ability to foresee what is going to occur in future? Yes, man has got the ability to foresee what is going to occur. At sunrise, watch your shadow, the length of your shadow should be 12-15 feet. Best time to look at this is 3-4 hours after sunrise. After observing this for about 15 minutes, look at the sky, The color of the shadow in the sky predicts certain outcomes. Black indicates ill health and enemies plotting against you. Brown or gold indicates wealth, and white indicates name and fame. Even after following all this if man get affected by sickness please consult Guruji.
Spider watch (please refer to Numerology section in this website):
By making use of the above illustration,guruji will be able to forecast time,rasi,date of birth and year of birth. The sketch is made to find out mathematically the correct details of a persons birth date by face reading/entry time of meeting guruji.
Research has been ongoing by guruji for more than 11 years to compute a persons birth details by just face reading/entry time of meeting guruji. The sketch is the out come of the extensive research done by guruji. A lot of effort has gone in to prove mathematically and predict a persons birth details.
Usefulness of predicting birth details:
1. Based on date of birth and time of birth, rasi can be formulated.
2. Based on rasi, horsoscope can be formulated.
3. From horoscope, full details of a particular person can be forecasted.
4. One can take precautionary measures.
5. One also can be forewarned about what type of ailments can expected based on horoscope and what care one has to take to avoid health problems.
6. One can also can take guidance from guruji based on above details about actions to be taken to improve various aspects in life like finance, health, married life, male child/female child, color of child and educational issues among other things.
sun. From the sun’s energy the five elements namely land, water, fire, wind and sky emanated. The mother earth is controlled by these five elements only.
Origins of life can be traced back to water. Plants were created. Fish and insects evolved. Birds appeared. Then animal life forms followed by primates such as monkeys and then finally man appeared.
Plants don’t have senses. Ants and flies have one
sense. Snakes and rats, have 2 senses. Birds have three senses. Dogs have four senses. Cows. elephants etc has five senses. Only man has six senses, the sixth
sense being intuitive power. This extra sense helps in thinking and analyzing what is good and bad. In the millions of species in creation, the most important
creation is the human being.
Man is also controlled by the same five elements
that created the universe.
Air is required for breathing, Heat is required by body, Body structure is equated to land. cannot exist without water. Sight is required to see. Man cannot live without the 5 elements. The human body consists of 72,000 nerves. Of the 72000 nerves, 10 nerves are very important.
Out of the 10 nerves, three are most vital and all are available at the knuckle. The three nerves are called as Pithanadi, Vathanadi and sleshanadi.
All saints, Rishis, Sages and Siddars made use of this vital knowledge and attained great heights through meditation. In olden days there was no technology that we have today to diagnose diseases. Practioners relied on checking the nadis and dispensed
medicines based on this.
The knowledge of the science of the nadis is vast. A Guru is required to obtain this knowledge.
There is link between the breath and nadis. The air that is inhaled and exhaled in
left nose is called as Edakali or Chandranadi. The air that is inhaled and exhaled out of the right nose is called Pinkalai or Suryanadi. Air that is inhaled and exhaled in both the noses is called as suzhimunai ior sushmanadi.
In ancient times, this knowledge was referred to as Kundalini. Famous saints like Sankaracharya, Appar, Thirumoolar etc. made use of this kundalini.
Kundam means fire and Ali means neither male or female.
In life, every human being has to face hardships and difficulty. Everybody has to experience happiness and sorrow. Some are rich, some are poor. Some attain fame, some become notorious.
All are created with five elements only. What we become is purely controlled by the ability of man to control his mind.
To control mind, proper method of inhaling and exhaling is of great importance.
Here is a suggested routine to control one’s mind.
Between 4 and 6 in the morning is an auspicious time referred to as Brahma Muhurtham. During this time, be seated preferably on a wooden plank or a woollen blanket and avoid direct contact with land because earth has got gravitational
pull and energy will get dissipated. By sitting on a woollen cloth/wooden plank,
energy is retained in the body.
Now take a deep breath through right nose and hold it for few seconds and exhale through left nose.
Similarly take a deep breath through left nose, hold for few seconds and exhale through right nose.
By doing this regularly at this particular auspicious time, mind comes to a calm state by regular practice.
Usually mind is wavering and many thoughts come and go and cause distraction. This exercise of exhaling and inhaling sitting in a posture such as padmasana is Yoga. Yoga is an exercise required to keep the body healthy both mentally and physically.
All nerves have to be exercised to keep the body and mind in healthy condition. For example, if you connect a bulb to a battery, stronger the current from the brighter the bulb. In a similar fashion, all the nerves have to be charged. Yoga charges all the body nerves which in turn ensures a healthy body.
If nerves are controlled through yoga, mind also gets controlled and single minded concentration is achieved. This is similar to blinders put on a horse. Extraneous impulses are avoided and the horse is forced to look only on the road ahead. Similary mind also has to be controlled to achieve concentration.
What we inhale is oxygen or Shakti. What we exhale is carbon dioxide or shiva.
Shakti means creation. Exhaled air is equal to waste. In the inhaled and exhaled air there are five elements namely earth, water, fire, air and space. The person who has mastered the art of controlling the five elements will get the ability to forecast the
When a person is attacked by a dangerous animal, he will run to save himself and his breathing will be very fast. The breathing can be felt as high a distance of 1 feet. This is called as Prithiv. When breathing is very normal like in meditation or any god prayer, the type of breathing is called Vayu. Prithiv type of breathing and vayu type of breathing will result in positive energy and good results can be expected.
Posture for following breathing exercise during
prayer or meditation is important. Sitting postures include padmasana,
vajrasanam, sukhasana or any other comfortable asana. While sitting, the thumb
and forefinger on each hand should touch forming a circle. This is called chin
mudra. This helps recirculate energy without letting it dissipate.
A rainbow is a spectrum of 7 beautiful colors. These colors are pleasing to look at. Similarly our body is also made up of 7 vital chakras which are designed to keep the body and mind healthy and active. The name of the seven vital chakras are as
For an automobile fuel and air is taken as intake and carbon monoxide gas come out as exhaust. Similarly for a human being air, food and water is taken as input and excreted matter comes as output. In a human body input and output is very important. More than input, output is very important. All sickness in human body is mainly due to malfunction of output.
The function of the seven chakras is to ensure highest level of concentration, energy, happiness ,positive thinking and good health.
Everybody has a goals and ambitions in life. Body is the basis. To achieve one’s goal, body must cooperate. Everything is possible in this world. Positive thinking, hardwork, peaceful mind, happiness will ensure goal is achieved. These are already available within every human being like his own shadow. Individual traits have to be tuned achieve the goal. If we look at our failures, the causes can be found within ourselves. By examining and changing ourselves, we can succeed in any endeavor. Like a tree emanating from a small seed, man can achieve greatest heights if only when positive thinking always is practiced. The seed of thought has to be positive.
To achieve positive thinking, there are 5 convienient methods.
1. We have to get up early in the morning and give instruction to mind
that only to think positively.
2. Drink a glass of warm water thinking that negative thoughts to be
washed away.
3. Please refer to website detailed
4. Stimulus to be given to mind through auto suggestion that only positive
thinking should be there.
5. Before going to sleep, auto suggestion to mind to think positive
Like effect of flowing water on rocks, positive thinking is also very powerful tool to moulds one’s life and achieve goal. Mind should be tuned to do hard work all the time. Good food and good air is important. When eating food, water should not be taken. If water is taken, food should not be taken. If air is exhaled in right nose, water with food can be taken If air is being exhaled in left nose, only food to be taken. If body has
the right food, body can withstand hard work.
When a healthy seed is put in fertile land, a healthy plant is born. Similarly earth is mother, sperm of a male is the seed. Sperm should not be wasted. Most of the diseases occurring in human body are due to wastage of sperm for purposes other than procreation. If a healthy child is to be born, the sperm quality and fertility of mother both are very important.
Energy is stored as sperm. If energy is wasted, man becomes weak. Sun is epicenter and all planets are moving around it. Similarly for the human body the place where urine is excreted is the epicenter for the entire body. The top half and bottom half of human body is dependent on this epicenter. If a human body has to be healthy, this epicenter should be given utmost care. Majority of all human beings all over the world are always thinking about this epicenter only.
There are three types of janmas: previous janma, present janma and punar janma or
The quality of each human being on each janma depends mainly on the following :
1. Food.
2. Environmement.
3. Friendship.
When food is taken, it combines with air and water, digestive juices are produced in the system. Constant rubbing of the digestive juices with air and water produces electromagnetic energy. This energy is stored in human body as sperm. If
a human being is to be happy and his thoughts are to be controlled, he has to divert his mind from , the thinking about this electromagnetic energy stored in form of sperm. That is if mind is involved other than sexual thoughts, mind will become more active and creative. Good and positive thoughts will then arise.
For example if a apple plant is to be grown a apple seed has to be planted. Similarly
good positive thoughts has to be planted to bear /form a good individual.
After getting up, it is preferable to take warm liquid. Ideally food should not contain extra salt, chilli and sourness and these are to avoided as far as possible. As a general rule, water should not be taken simultaneously with food as explained above. This is because if water and food are taken simultaneously, digestve juices generated becomes acidic creating problems with digestion.
Whenever taking food, a quarter of the stomach should be empty, half occupied by food and another quarter by water.
Every individual should always get up before sunrise. Morning air is rich with oxygen and is very healthy for life. Immediately after getting up walking/warm-up/exercises are required to ensure full energization of our nervous system. After warm up, mind has to be energized. For energizing the mind, individual has to practice meditation. Early to bed and early to rise method has to be followed for sleeping. Males should
wake up on the right side and females on the left. Getting up should be always
be very normal and easy irrespective of the situation. Getting up suddenly in
shock is not advisable.
When selecting a friend , you should be very careful. Friends should be of similar mental wavelength, forgiving nature and be broad-minded. Furthermore, they should should be flexible and adaptable, trustworthy and most importantly, be helpful in adverse circumstances.
Steps to achieve upliftment:
1. Five elements like air, water, fire, earth, atmosphere are always
giving by nature. They perform duty without expecting anything in return.
Whatever importance each element deserves it gets. Similarly bodily functions
like mind, heart, nose, ears eyes do their activity without any instructions. If
every human being concentrates single mindedly on his goal without expecting
anything, success will come automatically. Solar energy was not tapped until
recently. This energy is now available for use because of application of human
2. The main reasons human beings have not uplifted themselves are as
follows: Not listening to instructions, lack of analysis, blind belief, carelessness, negativity and doubts.
3. Before man was able to fly in airplanes, many attempts were made to fly, some tried to emulate birds. After several attempts and concentrated efforts with single minded determination, air travel was made possible. A small chisel can carve a great sculpture. This small website can help mold great personalities if these simple to understand suggestions are put to practice.
Steps to enjoy the fruits of upliftment:
1. Baby steps have to be taken. Prior to getting on a bus or a plane, one has to stand in a queue. Prior to standing in a queue, one has to mentally decide to do that. Once there, as the line moves forward, one is automatically pushed forward. It is upto man to make the decision to stand in the line. This means that man has to initiate the effort to achieving his goal. Standing in the queue is one type of enjoyment. reaching the desired destination is another type of enjoyment.
2. When a doctor prescribes a small tablet, such as an antibiotic pill, it cures many ailments. In order to effect this cure, man has to first take the tablet and ingest it. Similarly if man wants happiness, he has to intake happy, positive thoughts.
3. There is so much that man derives from the world. It is our duty to give
back to the world. Giving back or contributing is another form of enjoyment. In order
to fly a large airplane, small parts are very important. The part may be small,
but it is required for the proper functioning of the airplane. Similarly, a very
small contribution also can give great happiness.
How to enjoy life without sickness:
1. Food is very important. It is the universal fuel for both animals and humans. Animals hunt for food. Human being being work and earn money ti buy food.
2. While cooking food or eating food we should enjoy the activity and be grateful to god for providing food.
3. After partaking food, it is beneficial to eat fruit.
4. Food should be taken facing north-east direction. Sunrays come from east and north is auspicious . Food should be taken in limited quantities and full concentration should be on the food that is taken in and food has to be thoroughly relished and enjoyed.
5. After food have a small walk for 10 to 15 minutes.
6. Before going to sleep we should thank god for the day and every human being must
sleep for minimum 6 hours. Think about nature such as rivers,mountains etc and it is preferable to take a glass of hot water or milk before going to bed.
7. Before going to bed, ensure urinary bladder is empty.
8. The place where we sleep should have windows in east and west.
9. Adults should sleep in the north east direction. Head in north and legs facing east.
10. Youngsters should sleep in the east west direction. Haed should be in west, feet should be in east. This will help in induce positive thoughts and mankind will be
11. While waking up, thank god for giving life again to start the day .
12. While getting up mind should be in happy state. Have a small morning walk enjoying nature (park, lake, sea, beach etc.)
13. When humans practice life in this manner, everyone will also try and contribute like nature without expecting anything in return.
14. After the walk, come home and thank all family members for their support.
15. When you thank people, they will reciprocate thereby good feelings will be generated all around.
16. All ailments are mainly due to stress/tension. If you make your self happy, stress gets reduced. When you get stressed, there is direct effect on the nadis like pita nadi, vayu nadi and ushna nadi. There is a sudden rush of blood in all the nadis which creates rubbing action and because of sudden flow, blockages takes place and where ever blockages takes place, pain back pain, neck pain etc.
17. When ushna nadi gets affected, heart gets affected resulting in head ache, giddiness, blood pressure, tiredness, piles, constipation etc.
18. When pitha nadi gets affected, digestion gets affected , the person will not be active and sight will be dim
19. When vayu nadi get affected, indigestion, gastric problem, joint pain occurs.
20 . Stress may be caused by situations involving the home, office or friends. Office stress can be reduced by obeying instructions of your superiors, cooperating with your colleagues, motivating people under you, not criticizing in public, and offering appreciation in public. Stress related to friendships can be reduced by listening, not arguing, convincing in a pleasing manner, and above never hate, love everyone equally.
Man is god . Ahum brahmatsmi
If man is god, does man can have the ability to foresee what is going to occur in future? Yes, man has got the ability to foresee what is going to occur. At sunrise, watch your shadow, the length of your shadow should be 12-15 feet. Best time to look at this is 3-4 hours after sunrise. After observing this for about 15 minutes, look at the sky, The color of the shadow in the sky predicts certain outcomes. Black indicates ill health and enemies plotting against you. Brown or gold indicates wealth, and white indicates name and fame. Even after following all this if man get affected by sickness please consult Guruji.
Spider watch (please refer to Numerology section in this website):
By making use of the above illustration,guruji will be able to forecast time,rasi,date of birth and year of birth. The sketch is made to find out mathematically the correct details of a persons birth date by face reading/entry time of meeting guruji.
Research has been ongoing by guruji for more than 11 years to compute a persons birth details by just face reading/entry time of meeting guruji. The sketch is the out come of the extensive research done by guruji. A lot of effort has gone in to prove mathematically and predict a persons birth details.
Usefulness of predicting birth details:
1. Based on date of birth and time of birth, rasi can be formulated.
2. Based on rasi, horsoscope can be formulated.
3. From horoscope, full details of a particular person can be forecasted.
4. One can take precautionary measures.
5. One also can be forewarned about what type of ailments can expected based on horoscope and what care one has to take to avoid health problems.
6. One can also can take guidance from guruji based on above details about actions to be taken to improve various aspects in life like finance, health, married life, male child/female child, color of child and educational issues among other things.