How to make life easy and enjoyable
We are conditioned to think that an easy and enjoyable life is something that can be had with money. That leads us to work, earn, save money. There is nothing wrong with working, earning and saving money when it is done honestly and with the right intention. Where we fall short is when our desires and expectations exceed our ability to earn and spend money. We begin comparing and contrasting our situation with that of others. We only see the superficial aspects and the grass is always greener on the other pasture. Within our limited means, we can lead exceptionally happy, fulfilling and enjoyable lives and we can also find ways to help others towards achieving the same degree of happiness. The body depends on wholesome food, clean water, and fresh air in order to remain healthy and vibrant. This does not always translate into a healthy and vibrant mind that expresses its full potential. Ultimately, our state of happiness depends on the state of our mind. For the mind to remain healthy, there are four things we must adopt, practice and make it as part of our lives. These are
Hard work
Working towards reduction or elimination of the ego
Being flexible in all situations
Expressing gratitude and always being thankful for what we have
All four of these must be practiced together in all circumstances. Hard work is the basis for all our success. There is no substitute for hard work. If this is done solely for personal gain, it fosters and increases our ego as we begin to taste success. When ego raises its ugly head we become inflexible in situations that do not directly benefit us. The ego makes us feel that we are the doer. When we carry this feeling, we are not thankful. Gratitude and ego do not go together. Even if we are not capable of physical work due to illness, age and other limitations, we can work internally on the reduction of our ego, mental flexibility, and gratitude. This can be done by anyone, anywhere and at any time. We can then live peacefully, and life becomes smooth and enjoyable.
Blessings to all
Swami Ponnurangam
Dec 31, 2018
Hard work
Working towards reduction or elimination of the ego
Being flexible in all situations
Expressing gratitude and always being thankful for what we have
All four of these must be practiced together in all circumstances. Hard work is the basis for all our success. There is no substitute for hard work. If this is done solely for personal gain, it fosters and increases our ego as we begin to taste success. When ego raises its ugly head we become inflexible in situations that do not directly benefit us. The ego makes us feel that we are the doer. When we carry this feeling, we are not thankful. Gratitude and ego do not go together. Even if we are not capable of physical work due to illness, age and other limitations, we can work internally on the reduction of our ego, mental flexibility, and gratitude. This can be done by anyone, anywhere and at any time. We can then live peacefully, and life becomes smooth and enjoyable.
Blessings to all
Swami Ponnurangam
Dec 31, 2018