Why natural calamities are more frequent nowadays
In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says that whenever there is adharma or injustice, God will descend in one form or another. We expect God to come in human form. But God exists as Nature and may come as a Natural force. Many countries are staring at each other, with enmity in their eyes and weapons lined up to strike each other. But, in the middle of all this, if a natural disaster strikes, those weapons will be of no use against Nature.
Natural disasters test humankind, and we should stick with each other and help one another. The circle of time, the Kala Chakra keeps rotating all the time. The good and bad that we do is recorded on this wheel. When negativity is very high, there is an imbalance in Nature and the Kala Chakra breaks releases natural forces that rebound on us causing disasters.
As civilization develops, our desires also increase. In the past, it was not that way. People lived simple lives and the pressure placed on Nature was also very little. Nature was also correspondingly peaceful in the past. In the past, rains were never this fierce and destructive. Now the load on Nature is greatly imbalanced, very severe at places. Even though science has advanced considerably, the force of divinity is great.
Earth is spinning around its axis at tremendous speed. Land and water are distributed in such a way as to balance earth as it spins. The mountains balance the low lying areas and water which is all around, acts as a shock absorber. Rockets that we launch into space place a great deal of pressure on the earth. It is like a hammer blow. Greater the height to which we lift a hammer, higher is the downward force. Thousands of rockets that have been launched into space will have an effect on the natural balance.
Natural features such as the hills, valleys, plains, lakes, and seas are evenly balanced like a weighing scale. We are misusing Nature. Lakes are being dried up, hills are being destroyed for mining activities, seas are being polluted. Besides this, there is a lot of atmospheric pollution. All of this is giving rise to the formation of large and dangerous clouds. When we disturb Nature, it will, in turn, disturb our lives.
In the old days, people used to worship Nature. Farmers would not walk on their fields without first bowing down to Nature and they would also remove their footwear before treading on their land. They did this out of respect. Nowadays, people trample on Nature and throw rubbish all around.
The balance in Nature is provided by land and water. It is like our two feet. Imagine trying to walk only on one leg. We would fall. Similarly, Nature cannot sustain itself if the land is being destroyed. When we have a wound on the skin, the body produces new skin to cover up the wound. Similarly, when we wound Mother Earth by digging large tracts of land such as mining, Nature will respond by trying to fill those places with water in order to restore balance. There is a constant circulation of energy in Nature. Through our destructive use of Nature, this circulation of energy is being disrupted. Just like humans suffer heart attacks and strokes when blood supply to the heart and brain are interrupted, Nature’s “heart attacks and strokes” are in the form of floods, earthquakes, and other natural calamities. When we restore our respect towards Nature and treat it kindly, a balance may be restored and life will be safe and peaceful for all creatures. The responsibility for this lies on all of us.
Blessings to all
Swami Ponnurangam
August 9, 2019
Annapurneshwari Temple
KHM Block
Opposite RT Nagar Post Office
mobile: 011 (91)9880966039
Natural disasters test humankind, and we should stick with each other and help one another. The circle of time, the Kala Chakra keeps rotating all the time. The good and bad that we do is recorded on this wheel. When negativity is very high, there is an imbalance in Nature and the Kala Chakra breaks releases natural forces that rebound on us causing disasters.
As civilization develops, our desires also increase. In the past, it was not that way. People lived simple lives and the pressure placed on Nature was also very little. Nature was also correspondingly peaceful in the past. In the past, rains were never this fierce and destructive. Now the load on Nature is greatly imbalanced, very severe at places. Even though science has advanced considerably, the force of divinity is great.
Earth is spinning around its axis at tremendous speed. Land and water are distributed in such a way as to balance earth as it spins. The mountains balance the low lying areas and water which is all around, acts as a shock absorber. Rockets that we launch into space place a great deal of pressure on the earth. It is like a hammer blow. Greater the height to which we lift a hammer, higher is the downward force. Thousands of rockets that have been launched into space will have an effect on the natural balance.
Natural features such as the hills, valleys, plains, lakes, and seas are evenly balanced like a weighing scale. We are misusing Nature. Lakes are being dried up, hills are being destroyed for mining activities, seas are being polluted. Besides this, there is a lot of atmospheric pollution. All of this is giving rise to the formation of large and dangerous clouds. When we disturb Nature, it will, in turn, disturb our lives.
In the old days, people used to worship Nature. Farmers would not walk on their fields without first bowing down to Nature and they would also remove their footwear before treading on their land. They did this out of respect. Nowadays, people trample on Nature and throw rubbish all around.
The balance in Nature is provided by land and water. It is like our two feet. Imagine trying to walk only on one leg. We would fall. Similarly, Nature cannot sustain itself if the land is being destroyed. When we have a wound on the skin, the body produces new skin to cover up the wound. Similarly, when we wound Mother Earth by digging large tracts of land such as mining, Nature will respond by trying to fill those places with water in order to restore balance. There is a constant circulation of energy in Nature. Through our destructive use of Nature, this circulation of energy is being disrupted. Just like humans suffer heart attacks and strokes when blood supply to the heart and brain are interrupted, Nature’s “heart attacks and strokes” are in the form of floods, earthquakes, and other natural calamities. When we restore our respect towards Nature and treat it kindly, a balance may be restored and life will be safe and peaceful for all creatures. The responsibility for this lies on all of us.
Blessings to all
Swami Ponnurangam
August 9, 2019
Annapurneshwari Temple
KHM Block
Opposite RT Nagar Post Office
mobile: 011 (91)9880966039