Think, live and act with love
Of all the countless species of creatures, there is no doubt that human beings are the pinnacle of creation. We have the most complex nervous systems and the only creatures on this planet with the mind and free will. All the progress we have achieved is due to the power of the mind. Mere physical strength alone cannot achieve such progress. Being beneficiaries of such immense grace, having a body and mind with which we can derive so much enjoyment, unfortunately, many choose to focus on asking for more and complaining about having less. No one is more or less in the eyes of existence. The sun, moon, stars, rain, and clouds do not differentiate between us. It is the wrong use of the mind which makes us see differences amongst us. Even if we see differences, these are meant to provide variety and not to discriminate between one and another. Enjoyment is not quantitative, there is no rule in nature that we need to have a certain amount of objects and wealth to be happy.
Enjoyment is a qualitative thing. The less we have that we identify as our own, the less responsibility we have as well. Furthermore, that will free us up to enjoy the abundance in Nature through our senses. Every moment we should be filled with gratitude. Rather than let negative thoughts become the background noise in the mind, the song of gratitude can continually play. In such a mind, anger, greed, jealousy, envy, ego, and lust will not find a home. We become obedient to our own inner voice. Just as parents offer advice that is in our best interests and with our highest good in mind, the inner voice constantly offers good advice. If we maintain inner silence, the guidance of the inner voice will ensure a smooth and happy life.
We can learn a lot from animals, even the wild and ferocious creatures such as lions and tigers. Deer and other grass-eating animals roam freely around lions in a forest. Lions attack and kill only when they are hungry, and they don’t kill indiscriminately. They pick the weakest animal and this helps evolution by selecting out the strongest genes. Once its hunger is satisfied it retreats and becomes calm. The inherent nature of human beings is the softness of heart, being kind, caring and giving. However, we have replaced these noble qualities with anger, greed, and jealousy. Till we get something we desire we pretend to be polite and loving. Once we get what we need, we turn the other way.
There is a saying, we reap what we sow. This is the fundamental principle of the law of karma. Karma, which is the return trajectory of any outward action we perform, thoughts are also included. Thoughts of harming someone are also a form of subtle action. Whatever thoughts and actions we do, their consequences follow like a shadow. No one can escape casting a shadow, similarly, no one can escape the consequences of their actions.
If everyone understands the law of karma and live not for getting but for giving, we won’t have the need for supervisors, managers, police, military, etc. Everyone will automatically do their duty. In a factory that is run with the help of robots, we don’t need security to watch the robots. They keep functioning without hindering others. Similarly, when it comes to working, we should work tireless, when it comes to love we should love unconditionally and when it comes to giving, we should give selflessly.
It is easy to break a cup made of glass. It can be done in an instant. But to turn sand into glass and mold it in the shape of a cup takes a lot of time and effort. Many of us wear eyeglasses. Someone spent a lot of time trying to invent and perfect lenses that correct our vision. When we wear spectacles, the least we can do is be grateful to those persons responsible for helping us see clearly. Instead, we use that clear vision to see faults, and see and do bad things. How can we be happy when we live so selfishly and ungratefully? If we live knowing that we cannot escape the consequences of how we think and act, we will not make mistakes in our lives which bring pain and suffering not just to us but to others.
It is our duty to offer good advice to people. Whether a pen is costly or inexpensive, it does not alter the message. Whatever our external appearance or circumstances, it does not alter the message of the heart which is unconditional love. Let’s think, act, and live with love and kindness. Peace of mind will automatically follow.
Blessings to all
Swami Ponnurangam
May 4, 2019
Enjoyment is a qualitative thing. The less we have that we identify as our own, the less responsibility we have as well. Furthermore, that will free us up to enjoy the abundance in Nature through our senses. Every moment we should be filled with gratitude. Rather than let negative thoughts become the background noise in the mind, the song of gratitude can continually play. In such a mind, anger, greed, jealousy, envy, ego, and lust will not find a home. We become obedient to our own inner voice. Just as parents offer advice that is in our best interests and with our highest good in mind, the inner voice constantly offers good advice. If we maintain inner silence, the guidance of the inner voice will ensure a smooth and happy life.
We can learn a lot from animals, even the wild and ferocious creatures such as lions and tigers. Deer and other grass-eating animals roam freely around lions in a forest. Lions attack and kill only when they are hungry, and they don’t kill indiscriminately. They pick the weakest animal and this helps evolution by selecting out the strongest genes. Once its hunger is satisfied it retreats and becomes calm. The inherent nature of human beings is the softness of heart, being kind, caring and giving. However, we have replaced these noble qualities with anger, greed, and jealousy. Till we get something we desire we pretend to be polite and loving. Once we get what we need, we turn the other way.
There is a saying, we reap what we sow. This is the fundamental principle of the law of karma. Karma, which is the return trajectory of any outward action we perform, thoughts are also included. Thoughts of harming someone are also a form of subtle action. Whatever thoughts and actions we do, their consequences follow like a shadow. No one can escape casting a shadow, similarly, no one can escape the consequences of their actions.
If everyone understands the law of karma and live not for getting but for giving, we won’t have the need for supervisors, managers, police, military, etc. Everyone will automatically do their duty. In a factory that is run with the help of robots, we don’t need security to watch the robots. They keep functioning without hindering others. Similarly, when it comes to working, we should work tireless, when it comes to love we should love unconditionally and when it comes to giving, we should give selflessly.
It is easy to break a cup made of glass. It can be done in an instant. But to turn sand into glass and mold it in the shape of a cup takes a lot of time and effort. Many of us wear eyeglasses. Someone spent a lot of time trying to invent and perfect lenses that correct our vision. When we wear spectacles, the least we can do is be grateful to those persons responsible for helping us see clearly. Instead, we use that clear vision to see faults, and see and do bad things. How can we be happy when we live so selfishly and ungratefully? If we live knowing that we cannot escape the consequences of how we think and act, we will not make mistakes in our lives which bring pain and suffering not just to us but to others.
It is our duty to offer good advice to people. Whether a pen is costly or inexpensive, it does not alter the message. Whatever our external appearance or circumstances, it does not alter the message of the heart which is unconditional love. Let’s think, act, and live with love and kindness. Peace of mind will automatically follow.
Blessings to all
Swami Ponnurangam
May 4, 2019