The importance of honest living
Life is not an object that may be bought and sold in a market place. It is a valuable gift. When we work with joy and being of help to others sanctifies our lives and this is true living. In contrast, rowdyism, lying, cheating, and living under false pretense is not living in accordance with this valuable gift of life.
Human beings should work sincerely and should not draw a salary without putting in the requisite amount of work. The money earned should be split into 4 parts. One part for the present, one part for the future, one part kept in reserve in case of illness, and one part should be given in charity. Money should be earned in the right manner, and it should also be spent carefully and wisely.
Husband, wife, and children should live and move together as one unit. There should not be any differences and there should always be unity.
It is best to be flexible and easily adapt to any situation. Then there will be no mental tension. Whether we live in a five-star dwelling or a hut, if we are flexible we will be able to sleep well without stress. If the mind is under our control, we can sleep even in a marketplace.
For those who have mental tension, life becomes very difficult. It is like keeping a flame hidden in a cave. There is no greater comfort than earning money in the right manner, eating healthy food and getting good sleep at night. Such a simple life is more comfortable than a king’s life. Instead, many people for the sake of earning quick money cheat and trouble others. Such people will not be able to sleep well at night.
How long we will live and where our life may end are both unknowns. There is a limit to everything in life. When we oil the body and roll on a dry river bank full of mud, only a certain amount of mud will stick to us. The rest will fall off. Similarly, we cannot hoard and keep wealth with us all the time. Most of it will leave us at some point. When life is so unpredictable, we spend our time grabbing as much wealth as possible. It is even worse when we grab other people’s wealth and property.
When we fill our belly with food beyond the body’s capacity just because the food comes free, indigestion results and there will be vomiting and diarrhea. Similarly, when we hoard wealth taken from others, our lives will be in turmoil at some point in the future.
Enjoying wealth that rightfully belongs to others is like poison. In contrast, hard-earned money will give lasting peace until the very end of our lives.
Blessings to all
Swami Ponnurangam
September 22, 2019
Annapurneshwari Temple
KHM Block
Opposite RT Nagar Post Office
mobile: 011 (91)9880966039