The Wheels of Life
We are very fortunate to be living in a free society where freedom to think and experiment within are not curtailed by any governmental agency. We have entrusted the safekeeping of our aspirations, values and ethos with the government. Freedom is not won just by wars or threat of a war. It is every human’s birthright. The protection of which requires not just the armed forces of a country but also other key elements of a democratic nation. These include the bureaucracy, the judiciary, the police force and the political class. The army may be compared to a road and the other four elements to the wheels of a car. A strong army is like a smooth road. A road that is well paved and well made does not come to our attention. Cars “glide” effortlessly at high speeds and without fear of accidents. But in order for a car to run smoothly, all four tires must also be of even pressure and wear. People’s aspirations and hopes are the “driver”. The functions of the bureaucracy, judiciary, police and the politicians are to serve the people. Not just in their isolated capacities but to work with one another to further people’s aspirations towards its destination. The destiny of the country is never in one person’s hands. When we don’t even have control over our individual destiny how can we carelessly disregard the destiny of millions? True prayer isn’t for oneself but for others who we may not even have met. The thread of life is invisible but it runs through the heart of every living being. Minds can get disconnected easily and be misunderstood, but the heart can never be wrongly understood. The pain and suffering we feel in our hearts is exactly the same the pain someone else feels, although the causes may differ. The joy we feel is the same joy felt by others. It is not difficult to spread joy. For those in various positions of power, they can make a big positive impact on people’s lives by making them feel well looked after, assuring their safety, taking responsibility for guiding the country to a high perch on the pecking order of nations. In return, the masses have responsibilities too, but the circle to which they apply is smaller. But put together, it will encompass the whole nation. Just as we entrust our lives to the wheels of our car and the road we drive on, a great trust has been placed in the four wheels of our nation- the bureaucracy, judiciary, political class and the police. Just as when tires go bad and have to be replaced, if any of these are not functioning optimally, the people must exercise their power responsibly to have them replaced. These four wheels are indispensable for the safe and effective functioning of our democratic setup.