Computing the future
In the not too distant future, virtually every human being on the planet will have access to a computer. They will eventually become our defacto window to the world. Just like a computer has many different components working harmoniously with one another, in order to lead a happy life the family unit must work well together. A computer’s monitor may be compared to one’s mother, the keyboard to one’s father, the mouse to one’s spouse. The files and documents stored in the hard drive of the computer are the contributions of our ancestors in our lives. The message that is displayed on the screen may be compared to the children. The future is continuously displayed on the screen and is directly related to what we type and input into the computer.
For a computer to work, it must be connected to a power source, such as a battery. The more powerful a battery, the more electricity it can store. With a heavy duty battery, we can be mobile with our computers and we are not bound to a place that has a power source. The mind may be compared to the battery. If we strengthen the mind through the evaluation and careful consideration of each thought before we speak or act we would not need to worry about the future. The mind’s battery quickly drains out through relentless pursuit of our desires and thoughts which lead us astray.
Furthermore, with a strong mind, we can write our own future and we are not bound to a hard “destiny”. Everyone has one or more God given talents that are unique to that individual. Rather than identify and developing this innate talent, we seek to copy others and worst of all envy them when we fail in our efforts. In our talents lie our nascent future and in their development it becomes the present
Just like a computer will eventually become obsolete and its individual parts recycled, the body will become old and useless one day and we will have to vacate it. Nature regains the atoms of the body and those trillions of atoms we hold together as the body may be recycled into another form or those atoms can “roam” free till they are called upon for some purpose. Every atom has a purpose and use. Similarly, we should train our mind so that every thought is useful to others. Then, even after we leave this temporary cage called the human body, our ideas will live on for future generations.
Just like a computer has tiny amounts of precious and rare metals, every cell of the body is precious. The mind, through the brain is connected to every cell of the body. Whatever we think is ultimately transferred to the cells of the body in the form of electromagnetic energy. Every cell works tirelessly, while the mind may sit lazily worrying about the future or the past. Rather than appreciate the work of each cell of the body, we send mixed signals to them in the form of our negativity. Cells will “lose interest” in functioning at an optimal level and diseases set in.
Once a computer is manufactured, its design cannot be changed. Similarly, we cannot change our outer appearance or looks. We must be content with the “model” we have been given. The outer appearance of a computer does not tell us much about how it works inside. A super computer could be housed in an ordinary outer shell. Similarly, we cannot judge anyone by their appearance. If we are alert and humble, we may stumble upon great human beings from whom we can learn much. As far as possible we must strive to learn something from everyone around us. Nature has ensured that it is an open book that anyone who cares to can study and learn. So the next time, we sit in front of a computer, we can learn not just what comes through the internet but also the deeper significance of each part of the computer and how it relates to the past, present and future.
Blessings to all
Swami Ponnurangam
For a computer to work, it must be connected to a power source, such as a battery. The more powerful a battery, the more electricity it can store. With a heavy duty battery, we can be mobile with our computers and we are not bound to a place that has a power source. The mind may be compared to the battery. If we strengthen the mind through the evaluation and careful consideration of each thought before we speak or act we would not need to worry about the future. The mind’s battery quickly drains out through relentless pursuit of our desires and thoughts which lead us astray.
Furthermore, with a strong mind, we can write our own future and we are not bound to a hard “destiny”. Everyone has one or more God given talents that are unique to that individual. Rather than identify and developing this innate talent, we seek to copy others and worst of all envy them when we fail in our efforts. In our talents lie our nascent future and in their development it becomes the present
Just like a computer will eventually become obsolete and its individual parts recycled, the body will become old and useless one day and we will have to vacate it. Nature regains the atoms of the body and those trillions of atoms we hold together as the body may be recycled into another form or those atoms can “roam” free till they are called upon for some purpose. Every atom has a purpose and use. Similarly, we should train our mind so that every thought is useful to others. Then, even after we leave this temporary cage called the human body, our ideas will live on for future generations.
Just like a computer has tiny amounts of precious and rare metals, every cell of the body is precious. The mind, through the brain is connected to every cell of the body. Whatever we think is ultimately transferred to the cells of the body in the form of electromagnetic energy. Every cell works tirelessly, while the mind may sit lazily worrying about the future or the past. Rather than appreciate the work of each cell of the body, we send mixed signals to them in the form of our negativity. Cells will “lose interest” in functioning at an optimal level and diseases set in.
Once a computer is manufactured, its design cannot be changed. Similarly, we cannot change our outer appearance or looks. We must be content with the “model” we have been given. The outer appearance of a computer does not tell us much about how it works inside. A super computer could be housed in an ordinary outer shell. Similarly, we cannot judge anyone by their appearance. If we are alert and humble, we may stumble upon great human beings from whom we can learn much. As far as possible we must strive to learn something from everyone around us. Nature has ensured that it is an open book that anyone who cares to can study and learn. So the next time, we sit in front of a computer, we can learn not just what comes through the internet but also the deeper significance of each part of the computer and how it relates to the past, present and future.
Blessings to all
Swami Ponnurangam